How Real Retirement Spending Patterns Change Traditional Retirement Withdrawal Strategies

Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Minnehaha Country Club
Speaker: Dr. Derek Tharp

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This event will be offered in person at the Minnehaha Country Club or virtually from your home/office. 

A buffet lunch will be served starting at 11:30 am. The webinar begins at noon.


Registration for in-person attendance will close at 5 pm on Thursday, March 14th. 


Session Description

This presentation examines how real retirement spending patterns change traditional retirement withdrawal strategies. Specifically, commonly used retirement spending assumptions are compared to actual retirement spending patterns of retirees. This comparison reveals that typical assumptions of constant real spending often overstates retirement spending. As a result, commonly assumptions may overstate retirement savings need. Accounting for more realistic retirement spending results in higher safe withdrawal rates than prior research has typically indicated. Typical assumptions also fail to account for the potential to make adjustments in retirement that can keep a retirement spending plan on track.


About the Speaker:

Derek T. Tharp is a research associate at and the founder of Conscious Capital, a financial planning firm located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Derek earned his Ph.D. in personal financial planning at Kansas State University. While studying at Kansas State, Derek was awarded the Cary M. Maguire Fellowship in Applied Ethics with The American College of Financial Services and a Visiting Dissertation Fellowship with the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. In addition to writing at, Derek regularly contributes to the wealth management section of the Wall Street Journal’s Experts Blog. His research has been published in academic journals such as the Journal of Retirement and Journal of Personal Finance, and he coauthored a chapter in the textbook Financial Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice.

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