Ethics Issues in a Contemporary Estate Planning Practice

Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm
Location: Minnehaha Country Club
Speaker: Cannon Teleconference

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This Cannon Teleconference will be only offered live in person at the Minnehaha Country Club. The recording will be posted in the SFEPC document library about a week after the event. CE will only be available for those attending the live event in person, unless the CE you're applying for allows credit for viewing recordings.


A buffet lunch will be served starting at 11:30 am. The webinar begins at noon.


Registration will close at 5 pm on Thursday, June 13th. 


Estate planners and those who administer estates and trusts must frequently adapt to changes in our profession, including evolving ethics-based concerns. We cannot be focused only on our traditional ethics obligations owed to clients and former clients. Many other ethics issues, some of which were never or seldom thought about by estate planning and estate and trust administration practitioners in earlier generations, now arise with increasing frequency. These include:

  • Ethics issues relating to managing office technology
  • Maintaining confidentiality and the attorney-client privilege when working with a client’s other advisors
  • Multijurisdictional practice hazards
  • Maintaining competence and diligence in an ever-changing and expanding field
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